To celebrate, we recorded an audio version of the first chapter (linked below) and asked the author about how this alternate history, father-daughter team up of samurai and robot action came about:
Adam, was there anything in particular that inspired you to write IC?
For a story that mixes so many things, it's probably not surprising that I had a lot of inspirations. I consciously pulled inspiration from sources like Bladerunner, Sherlock Holmes, The Last Samurai (without the white savior trope), and I, Robot. I also drew inspiration from the anime series Samurai Champloo, which is a fun, alternate Edo Era Japan that is mostly historically accurate, except for occasional anachronistic influences, like hip-hop and breaking. Champloo is a lot more tongue-in-cheek about its anachronisms than my own story, but it did get me thinking differently about history.
Izanami's Choice is available at Broken Eye Books, Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and IndieBound.