This serial chronicles the adventures of Beatrice Muñoz and Joe Jorgensen as they travel through space on their quest to find and annihilate the spawn of Azathoth. But as they fight to protect the Earth from the ancient horrors lurking in deep space, can they retain their humanity and sanity? Or will they ultimately become monsters more fearsome than the spawn they set out to destroy? And what if Azathoth isn't the only ancient malign god they have to face in the cold reaches of the cosmos?
"My original story referenced Frankenstein and 'Rappaccini's Daughter' in addition to the Cthulhu Mythos," Snyder says. "I'm planning to work with and update other themes from classic weird fiction. And of course, the story will deliver on the space opera adventure, interstellar battles, and cosmic horrors that my Ride The Star Wind story promised. I'm also going to make good use of the space science I learned at the Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop last summer.
"I personally love narratives that blend science fiction and horror. My goal for this novel is to create an immersive world and character-driven story that satisfies fans of both genres, and I hope my readers enjoy it."
The story begins February 2018 in Eyedolon Magazine with the reprint of the story that started it all.
Lucy A. Snyder is a five-time Bram Stoker Award-winning author of ten books and about 100 published short stories. Her writing has been translated into French, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Czech, and Japanese editions and has appeared in publications such as Asimov's Science Fiction, Apex Magazine, Nightmare Magazine, Pseudopod, Strange Horizons, and Best Horror of the Year. She lives in Ohio and is faculty in Seton Hill University’s MFA program in Writing Popular Fiction. You can learn more about her at www.lucysnyder.com and you can follow her on Twitter at @LucyASnyder. She is also creating content at www.patreon.com/LucyASnyder.
Broken Eye Books is an independent press, here to bring you the odd, strange, and offbeat side of speculative fiction. Our stories tend to blend genres, highlighting the weird and blurring its boundaries with horror, sci-fi, and fantasy.