"Compelling," says Paul Constant of The Seattle Review of Books. It's a "ferocious little genre blender in book form: part Hammett novel, part Kurosawa Samurai epic, part Blade Runner, and entirely obsessed with keeping the reader’s eyes moving from one page to the next... Heine has tapped into a big one: the concept of free will, how it relates to one’s responsibility to the community, and whether we can ever really ascertain someone else’s individuality. The mystery of the book is engrossing and it’s resolved in a satisfying way." The full review is at The Seattle Review of Books and Seattle Weekly.
And there's a lovely 4-star vlog review with minor spoilers at Elena Reads Books. (She talks about Izanami's Choice at the 5:41 mark.)
The novella is available on September 1. Pre-order your copy today at Broken Eye Books or Amazon.