Clinton J. Boomer, known to his friends as Booms, resides in the quaint, leafy, idyllic paradise of Appleton, Wisconsin, with his wife, two cats, three children, and several moving boxes full of books & magazines. He began writing before the time of his own recollection, predominantly dictating stories to his ever-patient mother about fire monsters and ice monsters throwing children into garbage cans. Boomer is a writer, filmmaker, gamer, and bartender. He began gaming with the 1993 release of Planescape and has not taken a break since. He currently devotes a full 99.9% of his waking hours to thinking about fantasy adventure in general or about ninjas more specifically.
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- Team Murderhobo: Assemble (paperback)
Team Murderhobo: Assemble (paperback)
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What if you crossed Archer and Brooklyn 99 with D&D?
Welcome to Team Murderhobo! These are the hilarious first adventures of Clinton J. Boomer’s fan-favorite fantasy gaming party.
What happens when the lovable barbarian, perpetually high druid, judgy paladin—absolutely no ninjas—and the others are thrown together? The punchline to all the RPG jokes ever told...
With Team Murderhobo, Clinton J. Boomer has created a series of short, comedic, in-character gaming scenes, composed of all the traditional stock characters of fantasy gaming, interacting with each other in a day-to-day, workplace-style comedy. Lots of gaming jokes and pop culture references thrown in. Rocks fall, everybody laughs. This lovable crew will steal your heart—and your coin purse, so stay wary.
"These little slice-of-life comedic moments draw from shows like Archer and Brooklyn 99," says Boomer. "Larger-than-life characters in impossible, action-packed scenarios who still find the time and energy to bitch at each other about totally mundane crap—extreme personalities forced to work together, bouncing off one another and creating comedy in friction." New scenes with the characters are tweeted daily by Boomer (@boomer_kid). Read the collected adventures of the series in Team Murderhobo: Assemble under our Stink Eye imprint, with cover art by Jason Bradley Thompson (@mockman). EXCERPTWizard: “Ahh. That FIRST sip of coffee.”
Fighter: “YOU REALIZE WE’RE IN COMBAT, NO?!” Wizard: “YOU are in combat. YOU idiots kept me up all night, ergo no spells. I’m gonna sit here, drink my coffee, and stab anyone who gets close. Look! LOTS of people have already been stabbed. Some of them enemies!” PRAISE FOR TEAM MURDERHOBOYOU MIGHT ALSO ENJOYThe Hole Behind Midnight (paperback)
Unapologetically foul-mouthed, irreverent, hilarious, and over-the-top urban fantasy.
Royden Poole's Field Guide to the 25th Hour (paperback)
The angry, foulmouthed Royden is back in these "floating chapters" that flesh out the 25th Hour. They feature the same characters and the same world established in Clinton J. Boomer's novel The Hole Behind Midnight. Great jumping on point!
Tomorrow's Cthulhu: Stories at the Dawn of Posthumanity (paperback)
An anthology at the dawn of posthumanity with sci-fi horror tales set in the Cthulhu Mythos. These stories detail a near future sci-fi world, each taking place within the next fifty years or so. Together, they outline the beginning of... whatever it is that's next. This is a playbook for the coming apocalypse.
Some things can’t be unlearned. These are the stories that repurpose your brain for what comes next. |